Played in the Vintage Main Event at MKM Series in Frankfurt May 2016. More information can be found on
I played an unpowered Abzan Hatebears Deck (list below) as there was an additional prize of 150 EUR for the highest finishing non-powered deck (power included Workshop and Bazaar here). Here is a summary of the 6 rounds played.
Round 1 – 2:1 Win versus Titan Stax
Game 1 the Stax deck was not fast enough and there was a back and forth between creatures. Ultimately it was just 2 Deathrite Shaman bashing in 7 times to seal the deal
Game 2 I keep a weak hand and basically never play anything and ultimately get beaten down
Game 3 starts brutal for my opponent with land+crypt+sphere. However there is not much coming after that. I merely am able to keep 1 Deathrite Shaman on the board, but he loses 5 Mana Crypt Flips in a row. Combined with one Ancient Tomb activation and three Deathrite attacks for one the game was won in ludicrous fashion.
Round 2 – 0:2 Loss against U/R Delver
Game 1 I mull to 6 and get quickly overrun
Game 2 I mull to 5 and the same thing is basically happening. Never had a chance this match
Round 3 – 2:0 Win against B/G Loam Depths
Game 1 He is just not in a position to capitalize on loam enough as I take out Maze of Ith for one turn each to bash in with Thalia, Abolisher and Confidant
Game 2 Is a very long drawn out game where he just takes too much damage from his Dark Confidants. He was constantly on the brink of getting Dark Depths going but I started with a Karakas on my board which was later joined by 2 Wastelands. With an active Rest in Peace he was not able to mount any offensive while the Confidant slowly killed him.
Round 4 – 0:2 Loss against Eldrazi
Game 1 and 2 Eldrazi Smasher is just bigger than everything I can muster and without drawing Swords or Knight of the Reliquary I cannot match it.
Round 5 – 2:1 Win against Dredge
Game 1 I hold a bit against thanks to Deathrite Shaman, Wasteland and Gaddock Teeg, however ultimately I succumb to what Dredge is just doing
Game 2 with all the hate in, I start strong with Grafdiggers Cage and Pithing Needle, but Serenity flushes that away. However later I lock him out with Rest in Peace.
Game 3 He has to mull low and Rest in Peace and Ravenous Trap finishes it
Round 6 – 0:2 against Stax
Game 1 he has turn 1 Smokestack. I draw a lot of land plus an active Deathrite to keep on fighting the good fight, but he adds Tabernacle and seals the deal
Game 2 is basically a rerun of game only that I have just 1 land and he has tabernacle plus 2 Smokestacks on turn 2
So 3-3-0 total resulting in a 23rd of 57 finish. All my 3 losses placed relatively high (3rd, 4th and 13th) so I landed on the top spots of the 9 pointers. All in all fun games, however the losses always felt like I had zero chances.